Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications
for Management and Policy
Mamugy, F., L.D. Bertola, A. Mertens De Vry, N. Dussex, B. Shiffthaler, J. Paijmans, M. Hofreiter, R. Forbes, G. I.H. Kerley, K. Everatt, M. S. Becker, S.Creel, S. Bourgeois, C. Chifunte, M. Drouilly, and G. Spong. SNP panel for non-invasive genotyping of leopard (Panthera pardus). In Review.
Sun, C., F. Otten, R. Hoffman, C. Marneweck, H. Maimbo, M.S. Becker, D. Joubert, T.Riffel, S. Fennesy, J. Fennessy, and M.B. Brown. First rangewide density estimate of the endemic and isolated Luangwa giraffe (Giraffa tippelskirchi thornicrofti) in Zambia. In Review. Scientific Reports.
Martins, S., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, G. Spong, D. Smit, E. Droge, J. M’soka, B. Mayani-Nkoma, T. Mukula, S. Mwaba, H. Ndakala. Long-term demography of spotted hyena (Crocuta Crocuta) in a lion-depleted but prey-rich ecosystem. In Review. Ecology and Evolution.
Szarmach, S. J., K.C. Teeter, J. M’soka, E. Droge, H. Ndakala, C. Chifunte, M.S. Becker, and A.R. Lindsay. Genetic diversity and demographic history of the largest remaining migratory population of blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus taurinus) in southern Africa. In Review. PLOS1.
Creel, S., J. Redcliffe, B. Goodheart, J. Reyes de Merkle, H. Mwape, C. Dart, S. Matsushima, B. Mayani-Nkoma, J. Njobvu, M. Mungolo, R. Kabwe, E. Kaseketi, W. Donald, A. Kaluka, C. Chifunte, H. Maimbo, L. Plankenhorn, D. Christianson, M.S. Becker and R. Wilson. In Press. Prey depletion, interspecific competition, and the energetics of hunting in endangered African wild dogs, Lycaon pictus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Creel, S., M.S. Becker, B. Goodheart, A. Kusler, K. Banda, M. Vinks, C. Dart, S. Matsushima, R. Kabwe, W. Donald, L. Zyambo, P. Indala, A. Kaluku, C. Chifunte, & C. Reid. 2024. Changes in African lion demography and population growth with increased protection in a large, prey-depleted ecosystem.
Redcliffe, J., S. Creel, B. Goodheart, J. Reyes de Merkle, S. Matsushima, M. Mungolo, R. Kabwe, E. Kaseketi, W. Donald, A. Kaluka, C. Chifunte, M.S. Becker, and R. Wilson. 2024. Using tri-axial accelerometry to detect hunts and kills by African wild dogs.
Atmeh, K., C. Bonenfant, J.M. Gaillard, M. Garel, A.J.M. Hewison, P. Marchand, N. Morellet, P. Anderwald, B. Buuveibaatar, J.L. Beck, M.S. Becker, F. M. van Beest, J. Berg, U.A. Bergvall, R.B. Boone, M.S. Boyce, S. Chamaill’e-Jammes, Y. Chaval, C. Buyanaa, D. Christianson, S. Ciuti, S.D. C’ot’e, D.R. Diefenbach, E. Droge, J.T. du Toit, S. Dwinnell, J. Fennessy, F. Fill, D. Fortin, E.E. Hart, M. Hayes, M. Hebblewhite, M. Heim, I. Herfindal, M. Heurich, C. von Hoermann, K. Huggler, C. Jackson, A.F. Jakes, P.F. Jones, P. Kaczensky, M.Kauffman, P. Kjellander, T. LaSharr, L.E. Loe, R. May, P. McLoughlin, E.L. Meisingset, E. Merrill, K.L. Montheith, T. Mueller, A. Mysterud, D. Nandintsetseg, K. Olson, J. Payne, S. Pearson, A.O. Pedersen, D. Ranglack, A.K. Reinking, T. Rempfler, C.G. Rice, E. Roskaft, B-E. Sather, S. Said, H. Santacreu, N. M. Schmidt, D. Smit, J. A. Stabach, M-H. St-Laurent, J. Taillon, W.D. Walter, K. White, G. P’eron, and A. Loison. 2024. Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Goodheart, B., S. Creel, P. Schuette, E. Droge, J. Becker, A. Kusler, S. Matsushima, K. Banda, R. Kabwe, W. Donald, A. Kaluka, C. Chifunte, and M.S. Becker. 2024. Spatial risk effects from lions (Panthera leo) compound impacts of prey depletion on African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus).
Reyes de Merkle, J., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, B. Goodheart, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, E. Droge, T. Simpamba. 2024. Long-term data reveal fitness costs of anthropogenic prey depletion for a subordinate competitor, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Ecology and Evolution.
Creel, S., J. Reyes de Merkle, B. Goodheart, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, T. Simpamba, M.S. Becker. 2024. An integrated population model reveals source-sink dynamics for competitively subordinate African wild dogs linked to anthropogenic prey depletion. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Nyirenda, V.R., B.A. Nkhata, D. Phiri, W. Nyirenda, D. N. Phiri, M. Malasa, M.S. Becker, E.M. Tembo, M.A. Nyirenda, T. Simpamba, J. Mwitwa, and C. Chomba. 2024. Vulture poisoning in Sub-Saharan Africa and its implications for conservation planning: A systematic review. Heliyon 10: e25126.
Becker, M.S., S. Creel, M. Sichande, J. Reyes de Merkle, B. Goodheart, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, D. Smit, A. Kusler, K. Banda, B. Musalo, L. Mwansa Bwalya, and R. McRobb. 2023. Wire-snare bushmeat poaching and the large African carnivore guild: Impacts, knowledge gaps, and field-based mitigation. Biological Conservation.
Banda, K., S. Creel, M.Sichande, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, J. Reyes de Merkle, L. Bwalya, T. Simpamba, R. McRobb, and M.S. Becker. 2023. Effects of de-snaring on the demography and population dynamics of African lions. Biological Conservation.
Creel, S., M.S. Becker, J. Merkle de Reyes, and B. Goodheart. 2023. The evidence for and urgency of threats to African wild dogs from prey depletion and climate change. Biological Conservation.
Creel, S., M.S. Becker, J. Merkle de Reyes, and B. Goodheart. 2023. Hot or Hungry? A tipping point in the effect of prey depletion on African wild dogs. Biological Conservation.
Creel, S., M.S. Becker, E. Droge, J. M’soka, W. Matandiko, E. Rosenblatt, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, M. Vinks, B. Goodheart, J. Merkle, T. Mukula, D. Smit, C. Sanguinetti, C. Dart, D. Christianson, and P. Schuette. Habitat shifts in response to predation risk are constrained by competition within a grazing guild. 2023. Frontiers in Ethology.
Mills, K.L., J.L. Belant, M. Beukes, E. Droge, K.T. Everatt, R. Fyumagwa, D.S. Green, M.W. Hayward, K.E. Holekamp, F.G.T. Radloff, G. Spong, J.P. Suraci, L.K. Van der Weyde, C.C. Wilmers, N.H. Carter & N.J. Sanders. 2023. Tradeoffs between resources and risks shape the responses of a large carnivore to human disturbance. Communications Biology.
S. K. Nicholson, A. Dickman, A. Hinks, J. Riggio, H. Bauer, A. Loveridge, M. Becker, C. Begg, S. Bhalla, D. Burnham, A. Cotterill, S. Dolrenry, E. Dröge, P. Funston, L. Hazzah, D. Ikanda, F. Gebresenbet, P. Henschel, R. L. Mandisodza-Chikerema, M. Mbizah, L. Hunter, K. Jacobsen, P. Lindsey, N. Maputla, E. Macdonald, D.W. Macdonald, R. Kantai Duff, C. Packer, C. Sillero, T. Mudumba, P. Strampelli, E.A. Sogbohossou, P. Tyrrell, A. P. Jacobson. Socio-political and ecological fragility of threatened, free-ranging African lion populations. 2023. Nature Communications.
Sutherland, C., D. Hare, P.J. Johnson, D.W. Linden, R.A. Montgomery, E. Droge. 2023. Practical advice on variable selection and reporting using Akaike information criterion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290:20231261
Watson, F., M.S. Becker, D. Smit, E. Droge, T. Mukula, S. Martens, S. Mwaba, D. Christianson, S. Creel, A. Brennan, J. M’soka, A. Gaylard, C. Simukonda, M. Nyirenda, and B. Mayani. 2022. Predation strongly limits demography of a keystone migratory herbivore in a recovering transfrontier ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution.
Becker, M.S., J. Almeida, C. Begg, L. Bertola, C. Breitenmoser, U. Breitenmoser, P. Colas, P. Funston, A. Gaylard, R. Groom, P. Henschel, D. Ikanda, A. Jorge, J. Kruger, P. Lindsey, H. Maimbo, R. Mandisodza-Chikerema, G. Maude, M. Mbizah, S. Miller, E. Mudongo, H. Mwape, T. Mweetwa, V. Naude, V. Nyirenda, A. Parker, D. Parker, C. Reid, A. Robson, E. Sayer, J. Selier, M. Sichande, C. Simukonda, K. Uiseb, V. Williams, D. Zimba and L. Hunter. 2022. Guidelines for evaluating the conservation value of African lion (Panthera leo) translocations. Frontiers in Conservation Science: Human-Wildlife Interactions.
Goodheart, B., S. Creel, M.Vinks, K. Banda, J. Merkle, A. Kusler, C. Dart, K. Banda, M.S.Becker, P. Indala, C.Simukonda, and A. Kaluka. 2022. African wild dog movements show contrasting responses to long and short term risk of encountering lions: analysis using dynamic Brownian bridge movement models. Movement Ecology.
Bertola, L.D., S. M. Miller, V. L. Williams, V. N. Naude, P. Coals, S. G. Dures, P. Henschel, M. Chege, E.A. Sogbohossou, A. Ndiaye, M. Kiki, A. Gaylard, D.K. Ikanda, M.S. Becker, P. Lindsey. 2021. Genetic guidelines for translocations: Maintaining intraspecific diversity in the lion (Panthera leo). Evolutionary Applications.
Goodheart, B., S.Creel, M.S. Becker, M.Vinks, K.Banda, C. Sanguinetti, P. Schuette, E. Rosenblatt, C.Dart, A. Kusler, K. Young-Overton, X. Stevens, A. Mwanza, and C. Simukonda. 2021. Low apex carnivore density does not release a subordinate competitor when driven by prey depletion. Biological Conservation.
Paijmans, J.L.A., A. Barlow, M.S. Becker, J. Cahill, J. Fickel, D.W.G. Foerster, K. Gries, S. Hartman, R.W. Havmoller, K. Henneberger, C. Kern, A. Kitchener, E. Lorenzen, M. Westbury, F. Mayer, S. O’Brien, J. von Seth, M.S. Sinding, G. Spong, O. Uphyrkina, B. Wachter, L. Dalen, J. Bhak, A. Manica, and M. Hofreiter. African and Asian leopards are highly differentiated at the genomic level. 2021. Current Biology.
Vinks, M.A., S. Creel, E. Rosenblatt, M.S. Becker, P. Schuette, B. Goodheart, C. Sanguinetti, K. Banda, C. Chifunte, and C. Simukonda. 2021. Leopard Panthera pardus density and survival in an ecosystem with depressed abundance of prey and dominant competitors. Oryx.
Vinks, M.A., S. Creel, P. Schuette, M.S. Becker, E. Rosenblatt, C. Sanguinetti, K. Banda, B. Goodheart, K. Young-Overton, X. Stevens, C. Chifunte, N. Midlane, and C. Simukonda. 2021. Response of lion demography and dynamics to the loss of preferred larger prey. Ecological Applications.
Creel, S., J. Merkle, T. Mweetwa, M.S. Becker, H. Mwape, T. Simpamba and C. Simukonda. 2020. Hidden Markov Models reveal a clear human footprint on the movements of highly mobile African wild dogs. Nature Scientific Reports.
Droge, E., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, A. Loveridge, L. Sousa, D. MacDonald. 2020. Assessing the performance of index calibration survey methods to monitor populations of wide-ranging low-density carnivores. Ecology and Evolution.
Vinks, M., Creel, S., P. Schuette, W. Matandiko, E. Rosenblatt, C. Sanguinetti, K. Banda, B. Goodheart, M.S. Becker, C. Chifunte, and C. Simukonda. 2020. Testing the effects of anthropogenic pressures on a diverse African herbivore community. Ecosphere.
Creel, S., G. Spong, M.S. Becker, A. Norman, C. Simukonda, and C. Chifunte. 2019. Carnivores, competition and genetic connectivity in the Anthropocene. Scientific Reports.
Rosenblatt, E., S. Creel, P.A. Schuette, M.S. Becker, D. Christianson, E. Droge, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, J. Merkle, J. M’soka, J. Masonde, and T. Simpamba. 2019. Do protection gradients explain patterns in herbivore densities? An example with ungulates in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley. PLOS-1.
O’Conner, D., J. Stacy-Dawes, A. Muneza, J. Fennessy, K. Gobush, M.J. Chase, M.B. Brown, C. Bracis, P. Elkan, A.R.M. Zaberirou, T. Rabeil, D. Rubenstein, M.S. Becker, S. Phillips, J.A. Stabach, P. Leimgruber, J.A. Glikman, K. Ruppert, T. Mueller. 2019. Updated geographic range maps for giraffe, Giraffa spp., throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and implications of changing distributions for conservation. Mammal Review.
Creel, S., M.S. Becker, E. Droge, J. M’soka, W. Matandiko, E. Rosenblatt, T. Mweetwa, H. Mwape, M. Vinks, B. Goodheart, J. Merkle, T. Mukula, D. Smit, C. Sanguinetti, C. Dart, D. Christianson, and P. Schuette. 2019. What explains variation in the strength of behavioral responses to predation risk? A standardized test with large carnivore and ungulate guilds in three ecosystems. Biological Conservation.
Droge, E., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, D. Christianson, and J. M’soka. 2019. Response of wildebeests (Connochaetes taurinus) movements to spatial variation in long term risks from a complete predator guild. Biological Conservation.
Christianson, D., M.S. Becker, S. Creel, A. Brennan, E. Droge, J. M’soka, T. Mukula, P. Schuette, D. Smit, and F. Watson. 2018. Foraging investment in a long-lived herbivore and vulnerability to coursing and stalking predators. Ecology and Evolution.
Creel, S. The control of risk hypothesis: reactive vs. proactive antipredator responses and stress-mediated vs. food-mediated costs of response. 2018. Ecology Letters.
Creel, S., W. Matandiko, P. Schuette, E. Rosenblatt, C. Sanguinetti, K. Banda, M. Vinks and M.S.Becker. 2018. Changes in African large carnivore diets over the past half-century reveal the loss of large prey. Journal of Applied Ecology
Mweetwa, T., D. Christianson, M.S. Becker, S. Creel, E. Rosenblatt, J. Merkle, E. Droge, H. Mwape, J. Masonde, and T. Simpamba. 2018. Quantifying lion (Panthera leo) demographic response following a three-year moratorium on trophy hunting. PLOS1.
Schuette, P., N. Namukonde, M.S. Becker, F. Watson, S. Creel, C. Chifunte, W. Matandiko, P. Millhouser, E. Rosenblatt, and C. Sanguinetti. 2018. Boots on the ground: in defense of low-tech, inexpensive, and robust survey methods for Africa’s under-funded protected areas. Biodiversity and Conservation.
Becker, M.S., S.M. Durant, F.G.R. Watson, M. Parker, D. Gottelli, J. M’soka, E. Droge, M. Nyirenda, P. Schuette, S. Dunkley and R. Brummer. 2017. Using dogs to find cats: detection dogs as a survey method for wide-ranging cheetah. Journal of Zoology.
Creel, S., E. Droge, J. M’soka, D. Smit, M.S. Becker, D. Christianson, and P. Schuette. 2017. The relationship between direct predation and antipredator responses: a test with multiple predators and multiple prey. Ecology.
Droge, E., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, and J. M’soka. 2017. Risky times and risky places interact to affect prey behaviour. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Droge, E., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, and J. M’soka. 2017. Spatial and temporal avoidance of risk within a large carnivore guild. Ecology and Evolution: 7: 189–199. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2616
Gallagher, A.J., S. Creel, R.P. Wilson, and S.J. Cooke. 2017. Energy Landscapes and the Landscape of Fear - ScienceDirect. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 32:88-96.
M’soka, J., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, and J. Murdoch. 2017. Ecological and anthropogenic effects on the density of migratory and resident ungulates in a human-inhabited protected area. African Journal of Ecology.
Creel, S., J. M’soka, E. Droge, E.G. Rosenblatt, M.S. Becker, W. Matandiko, and T. Simpamba. 2016. Assessing the sustainability of African lion trophy hunting, with recommendations for policy. Ecological Applications 26:2347-2357.
Durant, S.M., Mitchell, N., Groom, R., Pettorelli, N., Ipavec, A., Jacobson, A., Woodroffe, R., Bohm, M., Hunter, L., Bashir, S., Broekuis, F., Becker, M., Andresen, L., Aschenborn, O., Beddiaf, M., Belbachir, F., Belbachir-Bazi, A., Berbash, A. Brandao de Matos Machado, I., Breitenmoser, C., Chege, M., Cilliers, D., Davies-Mostert, H., Dickman, A., Fabiano, E., Farhadinia, M., Funston, P., Henschel, P., Horgan, J., de Iongh, H., Jowkar, H., Klein, R., Lindsey, P., Marker, L., Marnewick, K., Melzheimer, J., Merkle, J., Msoka, J., Msuha, M., O'Neill, H., Parker, M., Purchase, G., Saidu, Y., Samaila, S., Samna, A., Schmidt-Kuentzel, A., Selebatso, E., Sogbohossou , E., Soultan, A., Stone, E., van der Meer, E., van Vuuren, R., Wykstra, M., and Young-Overton, K. 2016. The global decline of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus and what it means for conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114 (3) 528-533.
Miller, J.R.B., G. Balme, P.A. Lindsey, A. Loveridge, M.S. Becker, C. Begg, H. Brink, S. Dolrenry, J.E. Hunt, I. Jansson, D.W. Macdonald, R.L. Mandisodza-Chikerema, A. Oriol Cotterill, C. Packer, D. Rosengren, M. Trinkel, P.A. White, C. Winterbach, H.E.K.,Winterbach, K. Stratford and P. Funston. 2016. Aging traits and sustainable trophy hunting of African lions. Biological Conservation. 201:160-168.
M’soka, J., S. Creel, M.S. Becker and E. Droge. 2016. Spotted hyaena survival and density in a lion depleted ecosystem: The effects of prey availability, humans and competition between large carnivores in African savannahs. Journal of Applied Ecology. 201:348-355.
Rosenblatt, E., S. Creel, M.S. Becker, J. Merkle, H. Mwape, P. Schuette, and T. Simpamba. 2016. Effects of a protection gradient on carnivore density and survival: an example with leopards in the Luangwa valley, Zambia. Ecology and Evolution. 6:3772-3785.
Creel, S., Becker, M.S., D. Christianson, E. Droge, N. Hammerschlag, M.W. Hayward, U. Karanth, A. Loveridge, D.W. Macdonald, W. Matandiko, J. M’soka, D. Murray, E. Rosenblatt, P. Schuette. 2015. Questionable policy for large carnivore hunting. Science 350: 1473-1475.
Durant, S.M., Becker, M.S., Bashir, S., Creel, S., Dickman, A.J., Beudels-Jamar, R.C., Lichtenfeld, L., Hilborn, R., Wall, J., Wittemyer, G., Badamjav L., Blake, S., Boitani, L., Breitenmoser, C., Broekhuis, F., Christianson, D., Cozzi, G., Davenport, T.R.B., Deutsch, J., Devillers, P., Dollar, L., Dolrenry, S., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Dröge, E., FitzHerbert, E., Foley, C., Hazzah, L., Hopcraft, J.G.C., Ikanda, D., Jacobson, A., Joubert, D., Kelly, M.J., Milanzi, J., Mitchell, N., M’Soka, J., Msuha, M., Mweetwa, T., Nyahongo, J., Rosenblatt, E., Schuette, P., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Sinclair, A.R.E., Stanley-Price, M. R., Zimmermann, A., Pettorelli, N. 2015. Developing fencing policies for dryland ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. 52:544-551.
Lindsey, P.; Nyirenda, V.; Barnes, J.; Becker, M.S.; McRobb, R.; Tambling, C.; Taylor, A.; Watson, F.; T’Sas-Rolfes, M. 2014. Underperformance of African protected area networks and the case for new conservation models: Insights from Zambia. PLOS. 9:1-14.
Rosenblatt E., Becker M., Creel S., Dröge E., Mweetwa T., Schuette P., Watson F., Merkle J, and Mwape H. 2014. Detecting declines of apex carnivores and evaluating their causes: an example with Zambian lions. Biological Conservation 180: 176-186.
Watson, F., M.S. Becker, J. Milanzi, and M. Nyirenda. 2014. Human encroachment into protected area networks in Zambia: implications for large carnivore conservation. Regional Environmental Change 15:415-429.
Williams, B.M., A. Berentsen, B. C. Shock, M. Teixeira M. R. Dunbar, M. S. Becker, and M. J. Yabsley. 2014. Prevalence and diversity of Babesia, Hepatozoon, Ehrlichia, and Bartonella in wild and domestic carnivores from Zambia, Africa. Parasitology Research 113: 911-918.
Becker, M.S., R. McRobb, F. Watson, E. Droge, B. Kanyembo, J. Murdoch, and C. Kakumbi, 2013. Evaluating wire-snare poaching trends and the impacts of by-catch on elephants and large carnivores. Biological Conservation 158:26-36.
Becker, M.S., F. Watson, E. Droge, K. Leigh, R. Carlson and A.A. Carlson. 2013. Estimating past and future male loss in three Zambian lion populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:128-142.
Berentsen, A.R., M.R. Dunbar, M.S. Becker, J. M’soka, E. Droge, N. Sakuya, W. Matandiko, R. McRobb, and C.A. Hanlon. 2013. Rabies, canine distemper and canine parvovirus exposure in large carnivore communities from two Zambian ecosystems. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 13:643-649.
Creel, S., Becker, M.S., Durant, S.M., M’Soka, J., Matandiko, W., Dickman, A.J., Christianson, D., Dröge, E., Mweetwa, T., Pettorelli, N., Rosenblatt, E., Schuette, P., Woodroffe, R., Bashir, S., Beudels-Jamar, R.C., Blake, S., Borner, M., Breitenmoser, Broekhuis, F., C., Cozzi, G., Davenport, T.R.B., Deutsch, J., Dollar, L., Dolrenry, S., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Fitzherbert, E. Foley, C., Hazzah, L., Henschel, P., Hilborn, R., Hopcraft, J.G.C., Ikanda, D., Jacobson, A., Joubert, B., Joubert, D., Kelly, M.S., Lichtenfeld, L., Mace, G.M., Milanzi, J., Mitchell, N., Msuha, M., Muir, R., Nyahongo, J., Pimm, S., Purchase, G., Schenck, C., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Sinclair, A.R.E., Songorwa, A.N., Stanley-Price, M., Tehou, J., A., Trout, C., Wall, J., Wittemyer, G., Zimmermann, A. 2013. Conserving large populations of lions – the argument for fences has holes. Ecology Letters 16: 1413-e3.
Creel, S. and Rosenblatt, E. 2013. Using pedigree reconstruction to estimate population size: genotypes are more than individually unique marks. Ecology and Evolution 3: 1294-1304.
Creel, S., J. A. Winnie Jr., and D. Christianson. 2013. Underestimating the frequency, strength and cost of antipredator responses with data from GPS collars: an example with wolves and elk. Ecology and Evolution 2013; 3(16): 5189–5200.
Halloran, K., J.D. Murdoch, and M.S. Becker. 2013. Applying computer-aided photo-identification to messy datasets: a case study of Thornicroft’s giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti). African Journal of Ecology. 11:1-8.
Lindsey, P., Balme, G., Becker, M., Begg, C., Bento, C., Bocchino, C., Dickman, A., Diggle, R., Eves, H., Fearnhead, P., Henschel, P., Lewis, D., Marnewick, K., Mattheus, J., McNutt, J.W., McRobb, R., Midlane, N., Milanzi, J., Morley, R., Murphree, M., Nyoni, P., Opyene, V., Phadima, J., Purchase, N., Rentsch, D., Roche, C., Shaw, J., van der Westhuizen, H., Van Vliet, N., Zisadza, P. 2013. The bushmeat trade in African savannas: Impacts, drivers and possible solutions. Biological Conservation. 160:80-96.
Watson, F., M.S. Becker, R. McRobb, and B. Kanyembo. 2013. Spatial patterns of wire-snare poaching: Implications for community conservation in buffer zones around National Parks. Biological Conservation. 168:1-9.
Berentsen, A.R., M.S. Becker, H. Stockdale-Walden, W. Matandiko, R. McRobb, M. Dunbar. 2012. Survey of gastrointestinal parasite infection in African lion (Panthera leo), African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) and spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. African Zoology. 47:363-368.
Riggio, J., A. Jacobson, L. Dollar, H. Bauer, M. Becker, A. Dickman, P. Funston, R. Groom, P. Henschel, H. de Iongh, L. Lichtenfeld, and S. Pimm. 2012. The size of savannah Africa: a lion’s (Panthera leo) view. Biodiversity and Conservation. 22:17-35.